While park models broadly fall under the category of “recreational vehicles” or RVs, they aren’t quite the same thing. If you’re interested in owning a smaller and more mobile primary or secondary home, a park model may be the perfect solution for you. Park models offer many of the benefits of both a traditional “sticks & bricks” home and an RV. Here’s what you need to know before you start shopping.


First off, what exactly is a park model? A park model is a portable home that can be towed to a mobile home park or privately-owned piece of land, where it can be set up to function very similarly to a small cabin. The park model must be moved by professionals in most cases, because they’re a bit too large and heavy for a standard car or truck to haul around. Park models are also designed to stay put for months or even years at a time, whereas RVs can be moved every single day, if desired.


Park models can’t be larger than 400 square feet in terms of their floor space in order to receive the designation of “park model.” Most models will either be 8’ or 12’ wide. Park models come with at least one bathroom and one bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, and storage space. They also have the features that are required to make them street-legal, including license plates and brake lights.


Many different types of people can enjoy the versatility of a park model. If you’re a snowbird and you’d like a second vacation home to stay at for a few months in the South, setting up a park model in Florida might be to your liking. Some folks also set up park models near their favorite hunting grounds or fishing lakes. Other people might choose to downsize from a traditional home to a park model to live more simply, as park models aren’t taxed the same way that houses are.

Come on down to our Ohio dealership in New London today to check out our current inventory of new and used park models for sale. Camp Life RV is proud to serve our customers in greater Cleveland, OH.